When/Why to Refactor

In the realm of software development, refactoring can be akin to cleaning up a chef's kitchen. Just as a chef continually cleans their station to ensure it remains a productive and enjoyable space, so too must a software engineer regularly tidy their codebase. This practice, known as refactoring, is crucial for maintaining team morale and product quality, particularly in early-stage startups where resources are limited, and teams are small and versatile. In this post, we'll explore the whys and whens of refactoring.

Understanding Refactoring

Refactoring involves changing the structure of your code without changing its functionality1. It's like a chef cleaning up their kitchen: it doesn't directly affect the food they're cooking, but it does create a more efficient and pleasurable environment.

Why Refactor?

Just as chefs prefer to work in a clean kitchen, software engineers prefer to work with a well-structured, clean codebase. A well-maintained codebase boosts team morale and productivity2. Developers find it easier to navigate, understand, and modify code that has been regularly refactored. The code becomes self-explanatory, reducing the need for extensive documentation and making onboarding new team members smoother3.

A messy codebase, on the other hand, can be like a disorganized kitchen: it's hard to find what you need, and the end product may suffer. The messier the codebase, the more energy it takes to maintain and improve it. Over time, this can lead to a decline in code quality, slower feature delivery, and a higher risk of bugs4.

When to Refactor?

Knowing when to refactor can be as important as understanding why. Here are a few situations when refactoring should be considered:

  • Before adding new features: Refactor to ensure the existing code is as clean and straightforward as possible5. This can make adding new features easier and more efficient.
  • When fixing bugs: Refactoring can help you understand the code better and might even reveal the cause of the bug6.
  • During code reviews: If you spot areas of the code that are hard to understand or overly complicated, it might be time for some refactoring7.

In conclusion, refactoring is an integral part of software development. Like a chef who keeps their kitchen clean to ensure efficiency and product quality, software engineers need to refactor their codebases regularly. At startups, where teams are small and work across many areas, a clean, easy-to-navigate codebase can significantly improve productivity, code quality, and team morale. As such, refactoring should be a routine part of your software development process.


  1. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code - Martin Fowler
  2. The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey To Mastery - Andrew Hunt, David Thomas
  3. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship - Robert C. Martin
  4. Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction - Steve McConnell