Robotic Fun

So recently a neighbor and I decided to build a robot. This is not completely out of the blue. He has built several prototypes, and I have dabbled a bit in ROS in the simulator. So we decided to take a crack at building a ROS based robot as a hobby, that would be capable of moving around a house autonomously and doing something physical with an arm. We were not using commercial grade parts (those are expensive), we are mostly using this to learn and have fun. We have the following other goals:

  1. To understand the intricacies and limitations of ROS (Robot Operating System) in a real-world application as opposed to a simulated environment.
  2. To enhance our proficiency in designing and programming complex robotic systems.
  3. To explore ways to integrate household objects and technologies into the robot's functionality.
  4. To investigate the potential for artificial intelligence in day-to-day tasks, such as fetching objects, cleaning, or perhaps even assisting with cooking.

This project is definitely an ambitious one for a pair of hobbyists, but it's the complexity that adds to the excitement. Our plan is to use a combination of scavenged parts, 3D printed components, and off-the-shelf electronics. The plan for the robot is to have a mobile base with some sort of manipulator arm. This will allow it to traverse different terrains within the house and also interact physically with its surroundings.

On the software side, we plan to use ROS 2, as it has many features that lend themselves to a project like this, such as its distributed nature, support for various sensors, and modularity. We'll be able to split the work into different nodes and then communicate using topics, services, and actions. We also aim to make use of the many open-source packages available, such as for mapping, localization, path planning, and object manipulation.

One of the biggest challenges we anticipate is the integration of the physical and software components. It's one thing to build a robot and another to make it 'smart.' To overcome this, we are aiming to build a solid foundation with a robust hardware-software interface. After this, we will be able to incrementally add more sophisticated behaviors and handle any bugs that may arise.

Another challenge we foresee is getting the robot to understand and navigate the dynamic and unpredictable environment of a home. Unlike industrial robots, which operate in highly structured and predictable settings, a home environment can change drastically from day to-day. Our robot will have to cope with moving obstacles (like pets and humans), variable lighting conditions, and a myriad of different objects it might need to manipulate.

The journey promises to be a steep learning curve filled with frustration, head-scratching moments, and probably quite a few late nights. But it is also guaranteed to be filled with discovery, innovation, and an immense sense of achievement. We look forward to the days when our robot will finally roam around the house autonomously, retrieving objects, interacting with the environment, and contributing to our home in ways we can only begin to imagine.

Here is an early prototype:

Visualizing the house in rviz, sensor data.
3d printed parts, and several semi-commodity parts. Intel realsense, rasberry pi, nvidia jetsons, and irobot base all form the core.
This was us taking it to a robot conference.
Taking it via wagon, fun!