Keep an Open Mind

As a leader in a startup's engineering team, it's super important to stay open-minded and adapt to what's going on around you.

Be Open and Flexible

The best leaders are focused on their mission and willing to use any tools or methods to reach it. They don't just stick to what has worked in the past but change according to what's needed now. So, whether you're switching from Java to Ruby, from working in the office to working remotely, or from using native mobile apps to Flutter or React Native, being open-minded is key.

Know How to Make Tough Choices

A big part of being a leader is being able to weigh up the pros and cons of different options. Like weighing up the skills your team has now against the tech you'll need in the future, or whether you need to hire someone with a specific skillset. There might be a chance to bring in new engineers by using some new technology.

Don't Get Stuck in a Bubble

Another useful skill is being able to take a step back and see who has the best understanding of the situation. Leaders can sometimes get stuck in an "information bubble", which makes it really important to get involved in the actual work rather than just relying on weekly progress reports.

Being a good leader means:

  • Being open to new information and willing to change your point of view when needed.
  • Finding solutions to problems you've never seen before.
  • Not just relying on other people to figure out how well things are going.