Coding Quick Tips that Generally Help

Clean, readable code is a vital aspect of software development, particularly in early-stage startups. With small teams and undefined boundaries, your codebase can quickly become a mess if you don't implement good coding practices. In this article, we'll explore four quick tips for maintaining a clean, efficient codebase. We'll steer clear of fluffy language and complex terminology, focusing on delivering clear, concise information in the spirit of Jason Lemkin's direct approach.

1. Declare Variables Close to Where They Are Used

In many cases, you may find yourself declaring a variable at the top of a function, then using it many lines later. This is generally a bad practice. Instead, you may want to try declaring variables as close as possible to where they're used1.

javaCopy code

// Bad
int x = 10;
// Many lines of code...
x = x * 5;

// Good
// Many lines of code...
int x = 10 * 5;

This technique improves code readability by ensuring the purpose of a variable is always apparent. It also reduces the chances of a variable being accidentally modified between its declaration and usage.

Alternatively, declaring all your variables in 1 spot can be good. If the code is not too long, declaring all variables in 1 spot so they are easy to refer to, can be another approach.

2. User Fewer Parameters in Functions

A function with a large number of parameters can be a code smell3. It often indicates that a function is doing too much and is highly coupled with other parts of the system. Instead, try to limit your functions to one, two, or at most, three parameters.

javaCopy code

// Bad
public void doSomething(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) {
 // ...

// Good
public void doSomething(SomeObject obj) {
 // ...

Reducing the number of parameters can make your functions easier to use and understand. It can also enhance the modularity of your code and reduce coupling.

3. Naming Variables

"There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things". - Phil Karlton

Choosing appropriate names for your variables is crucial for code readability4. Names should accurately describe what a variable represents or what a function does. Don't be afraid of long variable names, especially if they make your code easier to understand.

javaCopy code

// Bad
int d;  // elapsed time in days

// Good
int elapsedTimeInDays;

Also, consider breaking down complex expressions into intermediate variables with meaningful names. This can make your code more self-explanatory and reduce the need for comments.

3. Guard Your Code

Deeply nested code can be difficult to read and understand. Instead of nesting your code within multiple if or else statements, consider using guard clauses2.

javaCopy code

// Bad
if (condition) {
 // Many lines of code...
} else {
 throw new Exception("Error");

// Good
if (!condition) {
 throw new Exception("Error");
// Many lines of code...

Guard clauses can make your code more readable and maintainable by reducing indentation and emphasizing the "happy path" through your function.

In conclusion, writing clean, readable code is as much an art as it is a science. While these tips aren't a magic bullet, they can substantially improve the readability of your code. This is particularly critical in a startup environment, where agile, efficient, and understandable code can often be the difference between success and failure.


  1. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship - Robert C. Martin
  2. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code - Martin Fowler
  3. Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction - Steve McConnell